
If you are attending Bristol Aggie from outside of Bristol County, please contact your local school district regarding your transportation.
Transportation stops, times and routes:
To best prepare for the new School year, it is very important that students and parents review the routes as there have been many changes affecting both bus stop locations and bus numbers.
Pick up/drop-off times are approximate. We ask that students be at their assigned stops ten minutes prior to the time given. Within two weeks after the start of school, pick-up and drop-off times should be firmly established.
As prescribed by law, buses will transport students from home to school and from school to home.
Please note that most routes have been revised to accommodate incoming students.
All scheduled late buses will be at 5PM. Please refer to the late bus routes posted on the Bristol Aggie website
Transportation contacts:
Amaral Bus Company contact information: Justin Mitchell Transportation Director Email Amaral Bus Company or via phone (508) 324-0551, can be contacted at between the hours of 5:30AM and 6:00PM. For questions related to bus stops and routes.
For issues and concerns that require the school’s attention please contact the Business Office at 1-508-669-6744 extension 7123 or 7124 or via Email Business Office
All Out-of-County students need to contact their sending district in order to obtain transportation information.
Any questions can be answered by contacting the Business Office at 1-508-669-6744 extension 7123 or 7124 or via email at Email Business Office